
Curated collections of PDFs, magazine columns, videos and blog posts on key aspects of organizational leadership, stakeholder management and effective communication.

Leadership Communication

blue talking bubble for effective feedback


blue conversation bubble for interpersonal interaction


blue conversation bubble for navigating difficult situations at work


People Management

a seedling receiving water for curated people management blog posts
a seedling being watered for curated videos on managing people
a seedling being watered for the employee bill of rights
watering a green seedling for team building resources

Digital Communication

white computer mouse on green backdrop for email essentials


white computer mouse green background for communicating metrics


green backdrop white computer mouse for Zoom features to increase engagement



purple sand hourglass for diversity matters business london magazine
purple sand in hourglass 4 part series being your own boss
hourglass purple sand quantify your value
hourglass for humorous video on making a lasting impress

Resource Ideas

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